
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

Brief Description :

The laboratory is designed to illustrate the principles and practice of physical and inorganic chemistry and to introduce the students to the techniques and instruments used in modern chemical research. Experimental work related to gravimetric and volumetric analysis is conducted. The synthesis of inorganic complexes are performed in the laboratory. Instrumental approaches and modern spectroscopic techniques are applied to the characterization of compounds prepared. The energetics and rates of chemical reactions in addition to the study of metal corrosion and its control are also conducted in the laboratory. The inorganic laboratory is also used by general science, biology, and health science students for applied experiments related to inorganic chemistry. It is equipped with 4 main hoods and ventilators. Its overall capacity is about 40 students.

Major equipments used in the laboratory :

  • Visible spectrophotometer model SP 300
  • Microprocessor Controlled Spectrophotometer- Model SP2000UV
  • Flame Photometer Sherwood Model 360
  • pH Meter Model GP353/pH meter Ohaus starter series 2100 bench type
  • Potentiometer/Automatic titrator ZD-2
  • Conductometer Mi 170 Martini
  • Digital circulating water bath- Model MP -13H
  • Sand Baths
  • Vacuum Oven DZF-6050
  • Polarimeter
  • Refractometer ATAGO Master-α (cat. No 2311)
  • Stirring Hot Plates (FALC)
  • Ice Maker Machine
  • Distilled water machines

Laboratory serves the following courses (Fall/Spring2017/2018) :

Course Code Course Title Semester Hours/Week
CHEM 241L Principles of chemistry Fall/Fall 9
CHEM 213 General chemistry Fall 4
CHEM 349L Physical chemistry II Fall 3
CHEM 441L Electrochemistry and its applications Fall 3
CHEM 242L Analysis chemistry Spring 3
CHEM 348L Inorganic chemistry II Spring 3
CHEM 342L Instrumental analysis Spring 3

Laboratory Information :

  • Building: C
  • Floor: 1
  • Room: C106
  • Capacity: 40
  • Contact Name: Rana Jamaleddine
  • Ext: 4016