
Zoology Laboratory

Brief Description :

The Zoology Laboratory provides the students with a suitable environment to develop a detailed understanding of the animal kingdom by exploring the physical, morphological and physiological characteristics of animals. The laboratory presents through its instruments an ideal place for undergraduate students to study the histology of various cells, tissues and organs.

Topics include :

  • Collection and preservation of animal species.
  • Dissection of vertebrate and invertebrates animals.
  • Exploration of the general anatomy of animals from different phyla through various slide examination and observation of animal specimens preserved in the laboratory.
  • Application of micro-techniques for slide preparation and staining through fixation, embedding and sectioning.
  • Slide identification of various histological slide tissues and organ sections.
  • Identification of embryological slides and embryological stages.

Major equipments used in the laboratory :

  • Light Microscopes
  • Paraffin Dispenser
  • Drying Oven
  • Rotary Microtome
  • Water Bath
  • Fridge

Laboratory serves the following courses (Fall/Spring2017/2018) :

Course Code Course Title Semester Hours/Week
BIOL 231L Biology I Laboratory Fall 4
BIOL 433L Developmental Biology Laboratory Fall 2
BIOL 232L Biology II Laboratory Spring 2
BIOL 432L Ecology Laboratory Spring 2
BCHM 336L Metabolic biochemistry Spring 2
BIOL 223 (Health Science) Biology Fall 4
MELS 403 (Health Science) Histopathology Fall 2
MELS 303 (Health Science) Medical Parasitology Fall 2

Laboratory Information :

  • Building: C
  • Floor: B1
  • Room: CB6
  • Capacity: 20
  • Contact Name: Rayan Al Jam
  • Ext: 4430