
Data Acquisition Workshop and LabVIEW Hackathon

02 May 2023


The Faculty of Engineering hosted a Data Acquisition workshop and LabView Hackathon on May 2nd, 2023, at the A4 building. The workshop was jointly organized by Saab RDS and the IEEE BAU Chapter and Sponsored by the IEEE EMBE Lebanon Section.

The workshop and hackathon were attended by more than 30 students and their mentors from the following universities, BAU, LU, RHU, IUL and LIU. Engineer Tony Ayoub delivered the workshop representing Saab RDS. The hackathon was intended to design solutions using LabView and it had two tracks one using myDAQ and the other myRIO hardware components. The winners for myDAQ track were two teams from BAU and IUL, and the winners for myRIO track were two teams from BAU and LU.

The winning teams were awarded prizes that included myDAQ and myRIO kits and internships at Saab RDS.

In addition, Saab RDS CEO, Engineer Ralph Saab, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with BAU in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Project ‘ELEGANT’ to provide internship opportunities to our students.