
Nutrition and Dietetics

Department of Nutrition and Dietetics


To contribute to the development and upgrading of health services in Lebanon and the region by providing excellent education and scientific research of high quality by innovation in undergraduate education of qualified nutritionists and dieticians, and promoting public health through assessment, policy development, and delivering of programs and services.


One of the ways of insuring that the program objectives are being fulfilled is by continuous observation of the following: Staff performance: Each lecturer (full-time and part-time as well) is evaluated according to a lecturer assessment sheet which contains areas for evaluating his performance. The evaluation depends on several inputs including the students’ feedback. Furthermore, the participation of the full time staff members in the department’s administrative activities, social activities and scientific activities (published papers and attended conferences) are assessed by the university. Course review sheet for each course: The course review sheet contains areas for comments on course aim and objective, performance, text books and references, tutorial and laboratory, rooms and computer usage….etc. It also contains a field to insert any recommendations for any changes in the course file summaries.


The Nutrition and Dietetics department offers the following undergraduate programs:

The Nutrition and Dietetics department offers the following graduate programs: