
Medical Sciences Library

The Health Sciences Library serves the following departments: Analytical Chemistry and Drug Quality Control, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants, Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Clinical Pharmacy, medicine Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, Medical biochemistry, Microbiology and virology, Medical parasitology ,Clinical pharmacology, Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics, Medical Lab Technology, Physical Therapy.

It is located in two campuses: Beirut and Tripoli campus.

Its collection consists of (3485) books, (12) periodicals, (102) multimedia, (34) dissertations in addition to Full-Text databases.

Medical Science library is divided into three constituents:

  • Library of Medicinal Science Pharmacy contains (924) books, (6) periodicals, and (29) thesis and dissertations.
  • Library of Medicinal Science Medicine contains (1718) books, (1) periodical and (4) thesis and dissertations.
  • Library of Health Science contains (881) books, (5) periodicals, (1) dissertation in Beirut Site

There are (9) computers in Beirut to browse the OPAC and the internet, (16) in Tripoli.

Photocopying and printing machines are available to serve users’ needs.

The library can accommodate (114) users in Beirut Site and (72) users in Tripoli at the same time.