
17.3: SDG8

SDG 8 : Decent Work and Economic Growth

Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8) promotes sustained, inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. In Lebanon, the economic crisis, high unemployment rates, and challenging working conditions have made it difficult to achieve these targets. The Lebanese government, particularly through the Ministry of Labor, has been working to protect labor rights, improve employment conditions, and stimulate economic growth despite the country’s ongoing economic challenges.

Lebanon’s Approach to SDG 8: Protecting Labor Rights and Promoting Economic Growth

Economic Crisis and Employment Challenges:

Lebanon has faced a severe economic crisis since 2019, with high inflation, a collapsing currency, and a sharp decline in economic activity. The World Bank has ranked Lebanon's economic collapse as one of the worst in modern history. This crisis has had a devastating impact on employment, with many businesses shutting down or downsizing, resulting in widespread job losses. Unemployment, particularly among young people, has skyrocketed, leaving many without stable income or access to decent work.

The government has been working to stabilize the economy through structural reforms, but progress has been slow. Economic recovery plans have focused on fiscal reforms, support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and the development of sectors like agriculture and technology to create new jobs. However, the economic instability continues to pose a significant challenge to achieving sustained economic growth and decent work opportunities.

Labor Rights Protection:

The Ministry of Labor in Lebanon plays a key role in ensuring labor rights and improving working conditions for both local and migrant workers. The ministry has been actively working to reform labor laws to align with international standards, aiming to enhance worker protections, promote fair wages, and ensure safer working conditions.

In recent years, Lebanon has faced criticism for its treatment of migrant domestic workers, many of whom are employed under the controversial kafala (sponsorship) system. This system ties a worker’s legal status to their employer, often resulting in exploitative conditions. To address these issues, the government has been working with international organizations like the International Labour Organization (ILO) to reform the kafala system and improve protections for migrant workers. In 2020, Lebanon passed new regulations aimed at giving domestic workers more rights, including better wages and access to legal recourse in cases of abuse.

The Ministry of Labor has also been focusing on protecting the rights of informal workers, who make up a large portion of Lebanon’s workforce. Many workers in Lebanon are employed in the informal sector, often without formal contracts or social security benefits. The government has been working on strategies to formalize this sector and extend legal protections to informal workers.

Youth Employment and Skills Development:

High youth unemployment is a major challenge in Lebanon. Many young people struggle to find decent jobs due to a mismatch between the skills they possess and the demands of the labor market. To address this, the government has been working on skills development programs and initiatives to support youth employment.

The Ministry of Labor, in collaboration with the private sector and international organizations, has launched vocational training programs aimed at equipping young people with the skills needed for the labor market. These programs focus on technical skills, digital literacy, and entrepreneurship, helping youth to find employment or start their own businesses.

Support for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs):

SMEs are the backbone of Lebanon’s economy, providing the majority of jobs in the private sector. The government has been working to support SMEs through initiatives that provide access to finance, training, and market opportunities. The Lebanese Ministry of Economy and Trade has launched programs aimed at encouraging innovation, supporting startups, and helping SMEs recover from the economic crisis. These efforts are critical for stimulating economic growth and creating new job opportunities.

However, the financial challenges faced by the banking sector and the lack of access to affordable credit have hindered many SMEs from expanding their operations or maintaining their workforce. The government, along with international donors, has been seeking solutions to provide financial support to SMEs, especially in sectors such as agriculture, technology, and renewable energy.

International Support for Labor and Economic Growth:

International organizations, such as the World Bank, ILO, and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), have been working with Lebanon to support labor rights and economic recovery. These organizations provide technical and financial assistance to the government in areas such as job creation, labor law reform, and social protection programs.

The Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP), a joint initiative between the Lebanese government and international organizations, includes efforts to support vulnerable populations, promote decent work, and provide economic opportunities for Lebanese citizens and refugees. This plan plays a key role in mitigating the effects of the economic crisis and advancing SDG 8 in Lebanon.

Beirut Arab University and SDG 8: Promoting Decent Work and Economic Growth

Beirut Arab University (BAU) plays a significant role in advancing SDG 8 by fostering skills development, supporting entrepreneurship, and promoting decent work through academic programs, research, and community engagement.

Educational Programs Supporting Employment:

BAU offers a wide range of academic programs aimed at equipping students with the skills needed for the labor market. The university’s Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Human Sciences provide courses that focus on entrepreneurship, business management, and innovation. These programs help students develop the skills needed to succeed in Lebanon’s economy and contribute to job creation.

Additionally, BAU offers career development services that help students and graduates transition into the workforce. Through internships, job placement programs, and career counseling, BAU ensures that its students are well-prepared to enter the labor market and secure decent work.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation:

BAU actively promotes entrepreneurship as a solution to Lebanon’s employment challenges. The university has established business incubators and innovation centers that provide support for students and graduates who wish to start their own businesses. These centers offer mentorship, training, and access to funding opportunities, helping young entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful ventures.

By fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, BAU contributes to the creation of new job opportunities and stimulates economic growth, supporting Lebanon’s efforts to achieve SDG 8.

Research on Labor and Economic Issues:

BAU conducts research on labor market trends, employment challenges, and economic development in Lebanon. The university’s research centers focus on topics such as youth employment, labor rights, and economic growth strategies. This research informs policymakers and stakeholders about the challenges facing Lebanon’s labor market and provides recommendations for improving employment conditions and supporting economic recovery.

BAU’s research also includes studies on the impact of the economic crisis on vulnerable populations, such as informal workers and migrant laborers. By addressing these issues, BAU contributes to the national discourse on labor rights and economic growth, helping to advance SDG 8 in Lebanon.

Promoting Decent Work on Campus:

BAU is committed to promoting decent work and fair employment practices within its own operations. The university ensures that its staff and faculty enjoy fair wages, safe working conditions, and access to social protection benefits. BAU’s commitment to labor rights reflects its dedication to SDG 8 and sets an example for other institutions in Lebanon.

Community Engagement and Partnerships:

BAU works closely with local communities and organizations to promote decent work and economic growth. The university organizes workshops, seminars, and outreach programs aimed at raising awareness about labor rights, employment opportunities, and entrepreneurship. These initiatives help empower individuals, particularly young people, to pursue decent work and contribute to Lebanon’s economic development.

BAU also collaborates with government agencies, NGOs, and international organizations on projects that support labor rights and economic growth. These partnerships allow the university to play a key role in national efforts to improve working conditions and stimulate economic recovery.


Lebanon faces significant challenges in achieving SDG 8 due to its economic crisis, high unemployment, and labor rights issues. The Lebanese government, through the Ministry of Labor, is working to protect labor rights, promote fair working conditions, and support job creation through economic reforms and skills development programs. However, ongoing political and economic challenges continue to hinder progress.

Beirut Arab University is making important contributions to SDG 8 by fostering skills development, supporting entrepreneurship, and promoting research on labor and economic issues. Through its educational programs, research initiatives, and community engagement, BAU plays a critical role in advancing decent work and economic growth in Lebanon, helping to create a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

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Human Resources

About Us

The Human Resources (HR) Department strives to maintain a great work experience for employees at BAU through supporting them in various aspects. Our programs and services are designed to inspire performance and achievement at the highest level. The flexible and supportive work environment that we create nurtures the development of employee’s skills.


The HR Department aspires to provide highly flexible administrative services to employees. We work to attract, develop, motivate, and retain a diverse workforce; we aim to maintain international accreditation standards in all aspects of our performance and to provide an outstanding and exceptional work experience to employees.


The HR Department’s mission is to recruit highly qualified academic and administrative staff at BAU. We train employees to develop their productivity, performance, and creativity. We plan and develop initiatives in line with the objectives of BAU. Our aim is to support diversity and nurture development of employees.

BAU- integrity


We treat others with honesty to maintain relations that are built on trust.

BAU- Respect


We show patience in situations which foster differences in perspectives and opinions, and we respect diversity and individuality.

BAU- Communication


We openly converse with others to understand their opinions and concerns to solve problems peacefully and resourcefully.

BAU- Team Spirit

Team Spirit

We take pride in our team spirit at BAU; the best kind of work is the one which is done through solid understanding and communication.

Human Rights Center Launches a Club for Dialogue and Citizenship Fostering Diversity

Adyan Foundation, in cooperation with the Human Rights Center at BAU, organized a seminar entitled "Can a Christian-Islamic Dialogue Contribute to Building Peace and Stability?", hosting the President of the Official Sunni Court of Said, Sheikh Mohammed Abu Zeid, and the Chairman of Adyan Foundation, Father Dr. Fadi Daou, to launch a club for dialogue and citizenship fostering diversity.

The event opened with a welcoming note by the Director of the Human Rights Center at BAU, Dr. Omar Houri, who pointed out that the Center, since its establishment, has played a positive role towards both the students and the society, by organizing such activities that aim at a strong and educated society.

Sheikh Abu Zeid spoke about the importance of dialogue, pointing out that the issue begins in both Muslim and Christian homes.

Abu Zeid resumed, saying that "Lebanon is distinguished by Islamic and Christian diversity, and the Lebanese environment is the most beautiful for such a title. The dialogue of life is a serious dialogue that emerges through schooling, through the family, within religious groups, and through a religious discourse that is accepting of the Other".

In turn, Father Daou thanked the Center for launching the club, which will also be launched by the Antonine University. He also stressed that the dialogue we are calling for is not a form of small-talk, but rather begins with listening, accepting diversity, and interacting with others to establish a co-existence.

Daou stressed that the aim of dialogue is to create peace-makers, and eradicate the religious labeling of conflicts that exist in our society.

Awareness sessions on "Violations Against Domestic Workers"

The center organized a series of awareness sessions on violations against domestic workers in collaboration with KAFA enough violence& exploitation, 15th, 16th of Feb 2017, Beirut- Debbie and Tripoli campus.

Labor Rights and Workplace Environment

Industries are under increasing pressure from public initiatives and laws to improve their work ethics by demanding more business processes and ethics. corporate social responsibility has become relevant to the market today after growing interest in social aspects. corporate social responsibility can help increase business confidence, deal with community challenges while achieving winning results. everyone seems to be aware of the need for sustainable development and that companies have a great responsibility to achieve them, and companies have to make sure that they are able to manage their social responsibilities and that those responsibilities of course make a profit when implementing them.

Students can refer to a number of books and researches written by dr. mohammed hassan qassem in this field, as it should be noted that these references include comparative analytical reading and recommendations issued by many seminars that have accompanied the development of some concepts that we will address in research topics and mention, for example, the stages of negotiation in the contract of the information machine", a look at the development of medical responsibility, and telecon contracting.

The Conclusion of the Fourth Regional Summer Session on “Implementing the Human Rights Agreements in National Systems” at BAU

For the fourth consecutive year, the Human Rights Center at BAU concludes the “Fourth Regional Summer Session” on the “Implementation of the Human Rights Agreements in National Systems”, in collaboration with the Arab Academic Network for Human Rights, and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. The event which was held on the 25th of August, 2014, hosted 34 students from eight Arab countries, namely Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

The course ran for 10 days, during which staff members at BAU, the Jordanian University and the University of Algeria, in addition to a group of experts in the field, such as Jordanian Ex-Minister of Justice, Dr. Ibrahim Al Jazi, and Judges Yehia Ghabboura and Khaled Akkari, presented lectures.

Various topics were dealt with, most important of which is the current state of human rights in the Arab World, the status of International Agreements in National Systems, Women’s Rights, Children’s Rights, Enforced Disappearances, and the Rights of Migrant Workers.

What is worth to be mentioned is that BAU has been proactive in introducing a course on Human Rights as part of the University Requirement Courses, as well as in establishing a center dedicated to Human Rights in 2009. The aim is to raise awareness of Human Rights and train qualified people who can conduct studies, and organize seminars, workshops and lectures in the domain.

Behavior Modification

Dr. Mayssah El Nayal, Professor of Psychology and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, BAU, presented a workshop of entitled “Behavior Modification”, organized by the Women’s Humanitarian Organization in Beirut. The workshop was held on Saturday, 1st December 2012, and was attended by psychologists, sociologists and social workers. The workshop focused on the concepts of behavior, motivation, and modification, as well as on the strategies and techniques of behavior modification. The trainees discussed a number of cases and methods of behavior modification of students in the classroom and in society.

Lebanon and Human Rights Round Table Discussion

The Human Rights Center at Beirut Arab University represented by the Senior Specialist Salam Zahran, participated in a round table discussion entitled "Lebanon and Human Rights," that was held at the La Nau Cultural Center at the University of Valencia in Spain.

The discussion dealt with the Human Rights Situation in Lebanon in the context of the recent crisis in light of the financial collapse, Right to Health Medication during the pandemic, and Beirut Blast, with a focus on Lebanese women's rights and Palestinian refugee women in Lebanon. The seminar was accompanied with a photography exhibition by the photojournalist Germán Caballero which depicted the status of the Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon's Camps.

The Human Rights Center at BAU participates in the "Religion and Human Rights" Event

The Human Rights Center at BAU and NDU organized, in collaboration with the Council of Research for Values and Philosophy and the Johns Hopkins University Protection Project, a student exchange activity entitled "Religion and Human Rights". Forty students from Faculties of Law, media and humanities from both universities participated in the event throughout lectures and seminars.

The activity was concluded with a dinner hosted by NDU, and was attended by the presidents of both universities, in addition to Dr. Omar Houri, Director of the Human Rights Center and Assistant to the Dean of Law and Political Sciences at BAU, Dr. Edward Alameddine, Secretary General of the Council of Research for Values and Philosophy, as well as the concerned deans and heads of departments at both universities.