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Research Unit

Dentistry Research

The intramural research facilities at BAU are utilized by the Faculty of Dentistry to promote scientific and clinical research and to support its stated mission. Collaboration with the research laboratories and scientists from the Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Engineering is considered a positive feature where we share ideas and strengths for the common good of the University. The Faculty is also linked to extramural research activities at Alexandria University and Lebanese University which are increasingly beneficial. Fund raising policies to enhance and support academic staff and students’ research abilities.

Research Themes and Sub-Themes

Click here to view the latest updated sub-themes for the faculty of Dentistry

Research Facilities

The Faculty of Dentistry strives to improve its research activities. A Medical Research Lab is currently under construction. A list of necessary equipment related to dental materials science was submitted to the University authority to facilitate and enhance in-vitro studies. Meanwhile, facilities available in other faculties, such as at the Faculty of Science, and Faculty of Pharmacy, are used by all researchers.

Click here to view the University Research Facilities

Institutional Review Board - IRB

Beirut Arab University has established its Institutional Review Board to review and approve the increasing number of research projects involving humans and animals conducted at/by BAU and the Affiliated University Hospitals.

All projects in which a university academic staff or student investigates on humans or animals for research purposes must be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to initiation of the project. It is the responsibility of the investigator to seek review of any study involving humans and animals.

The IRB is in charge with the institutional responsibility for assurance of protection of humans and animals involved in research or related activities.