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Laser Application in Dentistry

All departments of the Faculty of Dentistry work together in a harmonious way in research projects concerning laser application. These projects are planned by researchers and dentists who want keep pace with their patientsĀ“ wishes for innovative and gentle treatment methods. A lot of ongoing researches are performed nowadays among the different departments under this sub-theme: as effectiveness of diode laser therapy as an adjunct to non-surgical ā€Žperiodontal treatment in chronic periodontics, evaluation of low level laser therapy on the stability of orthodontic mini-screws, and in Vitro evaluation of the effect of intra-canal brushing, diode laser, ultrasonic irrigation on surface cleaning and smear layer removal of root canal walls in comparison to traditional methods.

New methods and surgical procedures with the assistance of Laser will be investigated in the upcoming research projects.

Towards Digital Dentistry

Digital dentistry may be defined in a broad scope as any dental technology or device that incorporates digital or computer-controlled components in contrast to that of mechanical or electrical alone. This broad definition can range from the most commonly thought area of digital dentistry -CAD/CAM (computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing)- to those that may not even be recognized, such as computer-controlled delivery of nitrous oxide or the use of CBCT in diagnosis and planning of different surgical procedures.

The departments of Biological and Diagnostic Sciences, Oral Surgical Sciences, Restorative Sciences, Oral Rehabilitation Sciences and Developmental sciences perform researches within this sub-theme. Ongoing research work is investigating the effect of different digital scanning technologies on marginal integrity of monolithic zirconia crowns, Cyclic loading of CAD/CAM Fiber Reinforced, Implant Supported 3 Unit FPD versus Conventional FPDS.

Ongoing research will develop more integration of CAD/CAM technology into dental clinics to offer a dental solutions for every type of prosthesis available. Linking digital-smile-design to the CAD, giving more reliable results for both patients and practitioner. The introduction of chair-side CAD CAM for best workflow, as well as introduction of one hour prosthesis. With these systems, clinicians can scan, design, and mill a full-contour restoration in-office. Switching more to digital interdisciplinary case planning to integrate both cone-beam scans and implant-planning software for custom abutment and crown design. Digital dentures, splints, and sleep appliances are possible with their various configurations.

The purpose of performing researches within the close future on digital dentistry is to examine deeply this concept to assess its advantages and limitations, and make statements and observations on specific areas of digital dentistry based on research, direct personal experience, and communication with dental manufacturers and researchers worldwide. Also, it is intended to provide a stimulus for greater adoption of the areas that are proven, and faster integration of new technologies from which our profession and patients can benefit.

Regenerative Endodontics

Regenerative endodontics provides hope of converting the non-vital tooth into a vital one once again. It focuses on substituting traumatized and pathological pulp with functional pulp tissue. Current regenerative procedures successfully produce root development but still fail to re-establish real pulp tissue and give unpredictable results. There are several drawbacks that need to be addressed to improve the quality and efficiency of the treatment.

Some of ongoing projects under this sub-theme are being conducted currently such as the revascularization of permanent teeth with incomplete root formation and a comparative study using calcium hydroxide and iodoform paste versus Antibiotic Mix in treatment of necrotic primary teeth; preliminary results gathered are promising.

The departments of Biological and Diagnostic Sciences together with Restorative Sciences work through this research field. In the upcoming research projects, the work will be directed toward more understanding of the regenerative endodontic concept and giving solution for this issue. Regeneration of a functional pulp-dentin complex relies on the foundation of tissue engineering that can be viewed as a function of the spatially correct delivery of appropriate stem cells and growth factors embedded within a scaffold is an example of this future research work. Also, regeneration of the pulp tissue using in vitro cell-culture methods to identify key factors regulating the differentiation of odontoblast-like cells and regeneration of the pulp tissue using in vivo cell-culture methods to identify key factors regulating the differentiation of odontoblast-like cells using animal models are among other projects examples. Moreover, preclinical studies involving surgical placement of a human tooth filled with a human stem cell/growth factor/scaffold combination into immune-compromised mice followed by histologic analysis of neovascularization as well as the differentiation and mineralization activity of newly formed odontoblasts will be investigated.