


Curriculum committee consists of the dean (Chair), assistant dean, department chairs, Faculty secretary, four selected members from each Faculty departments, two selected adjunct faculty members, stakeholders from divers pharmaceutical domains and two students (one undergraduate and one postgraduate) with one vote.


Generally, the curriculum committee was designed to investigate the curriculum and to put changes or modifications, to cope with the international benchmark standards, on one hand, and community needs, on the other hand. At the same time, efforts are done to consider the balance between the basic, pharmaceutical and clinical sciences. Based on the mission statement of the Faculty, the main duties and responsibilities of the committee are summarized as follows:

  • Reviewing the curriculum at regular intervals to determine the appropriateness of content, sequencing and integration of courses vertically and horizontally to optimize students learning outcomes.
  • Participating in designing the strategy of teaching and learning to achieve the intended learning outcomes of the program.
  • Updating course contents to meet accreditation requirements.
  • Suggesting updates to the curriculum based on accreditation requirements and discussions with the members of the committee.
  • Cooperating with the advisory committee regarding graduates attributes.
  • Reviewing and ensuring alignment between teaching/learning methodologies, leaning outcomes, and methods of assessment.