
Inter Library Loan (access to other libraries)

What is ILL/DDS Service

The Inter Library Loan service allows user to borrow items not available at BAU libraries starting October 2011 BAU library became a member in LIDS.

What is LIDS

LIDS is a network of Academic libraries in Lebanon whose main objective in the broadest sense is to share documents not available in the user’s local library thus increasing access to information materials for students, faculty and staff of the participating libraries.


  • LAU (Lebanese American University)
  • NDU (Notre Dame University)
  • UOB (University Of Balamand)
  • MEU (Middle East University)
  • USEK (Universite Saint Esprit De Kaslik)
  • USJ (Saint – Joseph University)
  • Haigazian (Haigazian University)
  • BAU (Beirut Arab University)
  • AUB (American University of Beirut)
  • Banque du Liban

Borrowers and Limitations

Category Number of items allowed per year
Full-time faculty 35
Faculty 30
Postgraduate 25
Undergraduate 10
Staff 25

Eligible Materials

  • Copies of articles and chapters: these are non- returnable materials; user can keep the copies.
  • Books : these are returnable materials ; the loan period is 14 days.
  • AV materials might be or might not be available for loan depending on the lending library.

How to order /to submit a request

Services are offered free of charges.


Users should fills ILL/DDS online forms .Before ordering , you have to check the library catalog and the online databases to ensure that the requested item is not available at BAU Library . User must fill a separate form for each separate request.


Time needed

Usually it takes one week to receive materials from the lending library.

Notification and Alerts

Users will be notified by email when the requested materials.

Returning materials

Users have to return materials to the Circulation Department . They are responsible of any lost or damaged materials.

Copy right

BAU Libraries observes the Lebanese copy right law.

How do I contact the ILL/DDS?

Hana Baghdadi: