Food, Drinks and Smoking Guidelines
- Smoking Is Not Allowed in The Library.
- Snacks Are Allowed in The Library.
- The Library Allows Covered Drink Cups.
General Guidelines
- Student Should Abide by Respecting the Librarian.
- Student Is Committed to Use His Faculty Library, Except He Needs a Reference from Another Library, or His Library Doesn’t Meet His Needs.
- Student Must Inform The Librarian about a Material that Being Damaged.
- Group Study Is Not Recommended in the Library.
- Library Is a Silent Mobile Zone.
Cyberspace Guidelines
- The User is Able to be Connected to the Worldwide Internet Space Through Many Computers.
- The User Is Expected to Inform The Librarian, If He Noticed any Damaged Device.
- The User Can Photocopy (Due to Copyright Restrictions) or Print any Document.
- The User Can Use His Own Laptop in The Library.
- The User Can Use Sky Drive Account to Save His/ Her Data.
- A Temporary File Might Be Saved, But Should Be Removed.
- Computers Are Not Used for Chatting.
- Downloading or Installation of any Program Is Not Allowed.