Description of Subtheme:
Drug discovery encompasses the processes of designing and synthesizing novel compounds that could have various biological activities. This critical aspect involves the innovative fusion of chemistry and biology, where our researcher craft molecules with the potential to resist diseases and improve Health and wellbeing. Furthermore, researchers also explore drugs sourced from natural origin investigating their biological activities. The pursuit of new therapeutic agents, offering hope for the development of groundbreaking treatments and pharmaceutical solutions. Researchers at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences consider the subtheme of drug discovery as the main area of research in phytochemistry and medicinal chemistry specialties. Researchers in this field struggle to unearth molecules with therapeutic potential by elucidating their chemical structure, screening possible biological activities, and exploring the underlying mechanisms. It also involves designing or adjusting compounds capable of targeting specific pathways.
Relevant Research Interest
- Designing and synthesis of new compounds with potential biological activities
- Studying drugs from natural sources with potential biological activities
- Developing drug combinations for reducing bacterial virulence factors
Prominent Research:
- Hijazi MA, Gessner A, El-Najjar N. Repurposing of Chronically Used Drugs in Cancer Therapy: A Chance to Grasp. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Jun 15;15(12):3199. doi: 10.3390/cancers15123199. PMID: 37370809; PMCID: PMC10296024.
TY-Jour-Yeon, Sang-Kwon, Hae-Yun-Park, Ynumi-Turk, Ayman -Lee, Solip-Ryu, Se- Han,Yoo-Kiyong, Lee- Ela, Maha -Hwang, bang Yeon-Lee, Mi Kyeong Antioxidant and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory potential of the pollen of hibiscus spp.-Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology DOI:10.1007/s13580-023-00578-z Feb.2024