BAU Research Board seeks to identify applications that advance collaborations and multidisciplinary projects with an overall emphasis on innovation and impact.
All disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals for internal funding to conduct research work and to commence on novel and innovative projects to develop new collaborations and to pursue competitive applications for external research grants or to attract substantial collegiate support. BAU is ready to finance and support individual or group researcher/s with $5000 to $10000 per project.
The budget set by BAU for funding intramural grants is to be allocated on an annual basis, then proposals are ranked by quality and cut down by budget.
The research board is pleased to announce that it will be accepting proposals two times annually, at the beginning of each semester, to respond more rapidly to the academic staff requests for funding. The deadline for accepting proposals ends on the last working day of the second week of each semester. The research proposals are to be submitted to the President’s office.
Kindly download the Intramural Fund Application here and attach it with your proposal which is to be submitted to the President’s Office.
*Researchers who get awarded intramural grants need to submit annual reports to document their research progress.
The funding is assigned to the principal investigator (PI).
- Full time academic staff are eligible to apply for funding.
- Visiting academic staff, postdoctoral fellows or scholars, lecturers, medical residents, fellowship trainees, and graduate students are not eligible.
- The academic staff member is entitled to apply for another grant upon the completion of the research work of the previous grant and its publication.
- Only one resubmission will be allowed for any application. A one-page “Response to Reviewers” may be included in the revised submission.
- The revised proposal will be considered only if significantly improved over the original submission and comments from the initial review were appropriately addressed.
- Submissions beyond the permitted single revision or revised applications submitted as new will be returned without review.
When filling the application:
- Enter budget items, costs and justification in the appropriate fields.
- Be as specific as possible, listing the need for personnel, equipment, services, supplies, etc.
- Explain why the requested item is essential for the proposed work.
- Justification for each budget item should answer the question: “Why is this specific person/item necessary for the proposed project?” Note: a description of the person/item is not a justification.
- Funding commences at the time of the approval letter and is applicable over the project timeline.
Review Process
All applications will be evaluated by peer-review teams composed of academic staff from inside and outside BAU. Recommendations will be made to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, who will raise the issue to the President in order to make the final determination of awards. Applications will be reviewed based on the criteria described below.
1. Project Description
- Is the goal or central problem of the project clearly defined?
- How does the project complement, challenge, or expand relevant studies in the field?
- What is the major contribution of the project?
- Is the research plan clearly described?
- Will this project result in a completed work, or the completion of a stage in the development of a work?
2. Originality of Research Topic
- What is the novel, unique, or creative component of the project?
- If the project brings together individuals from diverse disciplines, how does the proposed work enhance those disciplines and what is the benefit of the collaboration?
3. Methodology
- What equipment, instruments and/or chemicals were used?
- Justify the need for equipment and materials used.
- What are the tests, surveys or methods to be conducted and on what research subjects scope?
4. Feasibility and Timeline
- Are the qualifications, competencies, and achievements of the principal investigator (PI) and collaborators, if present, suited to carry out the project?
- Does the proposal address access to essential resources, environment (personnel, space, facilities), and budget to support the desired outcomes?
- Is it likely that the project will be completed according to the proposed timeline?
- What critical milestones are provided to assure progress along the timeline?
5. Outcomes and Impact
- What is the overall impact of the project?
- Who derives direct or indirect benefit from the project?
- What are the next steps for the project once internal funding has been completed?
- Has the applicant indicated potential sources of external funding?
- Has the applicant considered opportunities to share discoveries with a wider public or audience?
6. Collaboration
- Is there any collaboration with other researchers inside or outside BAU?
- What is the type of the collaboration?
- How does this collaboration add to the academic or scientific value of the research project?
7. Response to Reviewers (resubmissions only)
- How has the revised proposal been improved?
- How has the proposal addressed comments from the initial review?