
Traditional Medicine

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Traditional Medicine research, which encompasses traditional healing practices, herbal remedies, and indigenous healthcare systems, Traditional Medicine research focuses on understanding and utilizing traditional healing practices and remedies. This contributes to SDG 3 by expanding healthcare options, promoting holistic approaches to health, and improving access to culturally appropriate treatments.

health and wellbeing

Description of Subtheme:

Researchers in this field are dedicated to investigating the safety, efficacy, and potential drawbacks of traditional medicines. Their goal is to unlock the full spectrum of health benefits these traditional remedies can offer while ensuring that their use is depend in scientific understanding. By merge the knowledge of inherited remedies practices with contemporary research, this subtheme strives to harness the power of traditional medicine in a manner that maximizes its potential for the well-being of individuals.

Research Action Plan:

Investigating safety, efficacy and potential drawbacks of traditional medicines to maximize their health benefits