
Contemporary Developments of Public International Law (in Human Rights, Humanitarian, Criminal, Economics, and Monetary)

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Each of the 17 sustainable development goals is relevant to this multidisciplinary and holistic topic. The research plan action is based on tackling each of these SDGs.

Society, Culture and Human Behavior

Description of Subtheme:

There are many developments in public international law in its various fields and branches related to human rights law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, international environmental law, international economic or financial law, and even with regard to its foundations, nature and basic topics.  Public international law is not a static law, but a moving and evolving law; new topics or new developments enter it every day; the need to study and address them arises, and consequently they supposed to be research points for master's theses and doctoral dissertation in the field of Public international Law.

Researches in this subtheme achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Pr. Walid Abdul Rahim, Relevant publications are the following

  • The Evolving United Nations, 6/7 Feuilles Universitaires, Beirut 1994.

          July 2017      International  Humanitarian Law: Development, Principles and  

                    Execution, BAU Journal of Legal Studies

   July 2021    77 years of Evolving United Nations, BAU Journal of Legal Studies.