The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Research hosted a seminar entitled “Research Ethics and Authorship” which tackled six main topics on research ethics and integrity.
The seminar session was interactive and it was marked with a notable attendance from BAU Faculty members and researchers. The topics highlighted during the session were the following: an introduction to research ethics in Lebanon, presented by Dr. Michel Daher, Secretary General of the Lebanese National Consultative Committee on Ethics (CCNLE); an insight on the topic of social responsibility and misconduct allegations, presented by Dr. Bilal Azakir, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Founding Member of the Group of Thinking on Mediterranean Ethics (GREM); a look into the ethics of mentoring, presented by Dr. Thalia Arawi, Founding Director of the Salim El-Hoss Bioethics and Professionalism Program (SHBPP) at AUB; an explanation of the notion of data management, presented by Dr. Issam Sharrani, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Chair of Working Party of Ethical Issues for WONCA; a depiction of authorship and the responsibilities that come with it in modern day publications, presented by Dr. Zaki Ghorayeb, Associate Dean for Medical Affairs at USEK and Member of the Steering Committee of the Centre d’Éthique et de Bioéthique de l’USEK; and, finally an elucidation of the ethical regulation of research collaboration, presented by Dr. Rola Jaafar, Research Associate at the Department of Surgery at AUB.
The presenters commended the dynamics of the seminar session at BAU and hoped for future collaboration to reinforce the importance of understanding ethical research practice and implementing it at the academic level.